domingo, 16 de mayo de 2010
sábado, 15 de mayo de 2010
I red some of the best blogs and I liked a lot the one called "Ciudad Juarez en la Sombra del Narcotráfico” for some reasons:
1) The topic:
- Its very interesting because nowadays Ciudad Juarez is the most violent city in the world (800 people killed/hour), due to the drug trafficking; and is a paradox to look at El Paso city ,which is divided from Ciudad Juarez only by a river, that is one of the securest cities in USA.
- Also because what is happening there is what Medellin, and in general Colombia lived decades ago. We as Colombians lived that insecurity, pain and sadness that this war brings in the hearts and minds of every citizen.
2) The way the author writes about it.
- I like the fact that the author takes cases from the real life and tries to explain from them, the pain, sadness and insecurity the “juaritos” are facing nowadays. One example he mentioned were girls that try to take out all the feelings they have, singing rap.
3) The fact that the author is immerse in the conflict and its opinions aren’t influenced by political, economical interests like many of the information the media exposes.
First of all is important to know the definition of e-commerce that ” is the process of buying and selling goods and services electronically with computerized business transactions using the Internet, networks and other digital technologies” . Based on this definition is relevant to highlight that the process of buying and selling generates a contract, that has some changes in regulation terms, depending on the cultures involved.
Due to the fact that Islam is the core of the Muslim life, the Quran which is its holly book is the one that sets the parameters in the society, including business ones, it “regarded business as lawful, good and beneficial for both the individual and the society”, so e-commerce as part of a business activity is accepted. Also the Syariah (Islamic Law) ratified it use saying that is a new way of technology that facilitates economic transactions and also says that the “contract in E-Commerce is legitimate because all the four pillars of Islamic contract are fulfilled”; however for its validity it must fulfill some requirements.
The purpose is to highlight the basic aspects that someone who is willing to do this process with a Muslim person required.
• For the validity of a transaction, in the Quran exists to prerequisites: must be permissible by the Syariah and must not be harmful for the parties that are doing the contract or for the people in general.
• In order to have specific guidelines to achieve the transaction, the Syariah has five stages to reach the validity of it:
1. Initiating a contract (Al-Ta’aqut): offer and acceptance, two contracting parties, subject matter, and mode of expression.
2. Confirming the validity (Sihha): the contract must be free of: interest (Riba), because the Quran says: ‘‘O you who believe! Devour not usury, doubled and multiplied; but fear Allah; that you may (really) prosper’’ (3:130), uncertainty (Gharar), deceit, duress and/or gambling.
3. Implementation (Nafath): the offer is the real owner of the product sold and it is free for any liabilities.
4. Binding (Ilzham): before signing the buyer must verify the company and the product sold. After signing keep the contract copy.
5. Delivery (state of exchange). Muslims must avoid using credit cards because are against “Riba”, so they will use the “MURABAHAH SYTEM”
As you can see the first four stages are very similar to the procedures that are follow for many countries around the world, for contracts. What is interesting to highlight is the fifth one, where the use of credit cards must be avoid; e-commerce is an example of the globalization the world is living, so is necessary to have similarities in some processes in order to have easier results, the credit card is one example of it; but at the same time is very important for a business person to understand that cultures influenced the way of doing business and more in countries such as the Muslim ones where the religion is extremely important, and they will not adapt easier to international usual processes.,+networks+and+other+digital+technologies&cd=1&hl=es&ct=clnk&gl=coç
NORAZLINA Zainul, Fauziah Osman, Siti Hartini Mazlan. E-Commerce from an Islamic perspective. 2004
Comparing that diverse scenario, with the trade unions in Colombia, are some similarities with the southern countries of Europe in terms of density and the fact that the Trade Unions are more pluralized; the big difference is that because they are many and small (an affiliate density in average of 200 per union) don’t have influence in their context. An important thing to highlight is that the density of affiliates in general is too slow compare with other countries similar to Colombia; and one of the reasons is the constant threat they have from guerilla and paramilitares (almost 2000 trade union members have been killed).
Trade Unions in Colombia are principally from the public industrial sector, and women, young people, and people with professional studies are the ones who have the smallest participation. Also exists many small trade unions from the informal sector.
The case of Australia is one example of discrimination toward minorities, what is important to highlight is the fact that the Government was the one who promoted it trough polices, which is a paradox of what the State is aim to do . Policies that forcibly separated the indigenous children from their families and communities; under the name of “assimilation” were forced to put away their languages, their ceremonies, their lifestyle in conclusion their culture, Cultures that linked “ the Australian continent to the most ancient prehistory of our planet “ with the sad purpose of learn everything about white people and in that way destroy their aborigines heritage.
This is only one of many examples of discrimination against indigenous, but it is remarkable because in this case was the government who promoted it and is a recent one (XX century). Looking at history, the cases where this kind of discrimination was evident is in the colonization processes all around the world, where a culture came to a territory and wanted to impose their one tradition, religion and language. Actually there are many examples; in Colombia are some cases where the government violated some native communities’ rights for creating projects, such us the government’s authorization for creating an hydroelectric in part of a territory where live three indigenous communities: Emberá-katio, Zenú and Tule. They flooded ancestral lands, destroyed sites of spiritual value for them. Other example was in 1999 when Colombian government approved the exploitation of the Gibraltar’s well in an ancestral territory of the U’wa community.
martes, 23 de marzo de 2010
Cultural factor affecting leadership
A Colombian salesperson is highly influenced by the society where he/ she lives, and based on the Hofstede analysis, the Colombian people have a lower individualism, which means that the people is very collectivist, and for this reason loyalty and long term commitment are very important values for strong relations. Analyzing power distance, it is a little bit high and it means that the society is hierarchy oriented, exist an inequality in terms of power and in terms of wealth.
Relating these two factors high collectivism and high power distance, is possible to conclude that leadership characteristics in a Colombian sales person could be hampered by the high power distance factor; because she/he accept to obey orders from their superior and do exactly what their boss says to do, it means they have a strong dependence on them. This is way it is more like a “trickle down” process and is very difficult to be viceverza, based on the hierarchy pattern of this society, and also is important to highlight the high uncertainty avoidance Colombian people have, because they attached to rules, and they don’t like to take risks, in this case for example do things different from what was assigned.
Organizational Commitment
The Colombian sales personnel tend to follow rules give from their superior because they think, that in that way their job will be more “secure” in the organization, and thus they can continue working there. Is very important to highlight that due to the economical environment Colombia has (unemployment 14,6%) [1], the employees are more willing to keep working there, even if they don’t really want it. Talking about affective commitment, as Colombian society is very collectivistic the employees tend to be more loyal with their group, in this case the organization so they will accept the beliefs and values it has.
sábado, 13 de marzo de 2010
In Colombia is very difficult to analyze a defined management style, because there are many Colombian companies that have managers without a good preparation in the administrative science and for that reason they tend to use more empirical practices. This is because many of the companies are family owned, and usually the positions are inherited by the family members, no matter if they studied other fields such as engineering, legal profession among others.
Strategic goals | · They focused more on market share | · Emphasize on market share and profit maximization. -Scale based cost reduction | · Emphasize on profit maximization |
Environment analysis | · Large firms are active on the environmental analysis of substitute goods and service suppliers.(potential threats) | · Large firms are less active about the environmental analysis than Japanese ones. Focus more on monitoring the rivals (oligopolistic). | · Focus more on monitoring the rivals. |
Closeness with customer | · Emphasize information exchange with customer | · Managers don`t highlight to much information exchange with customer · But highly internationalized firms are as closed to the customer as Japanese ones. | · They don’t emphasize to much on the information exchange with customer. |
Marketing | Large firms · Managers emphasize more on those aspects. Internationalized firms · Is similar the develop of corporate brands/trade mark | Large firms · Emphasize on development of corporate brands/ trade mark Internationalized firms · Is similar the develop of corporate brands/trade mark of Japanese firms | · They usually don’t invest to much in market research, they tend to use “ensayo, error” (empiric) |
Human resource management | Growth/internationalized firms · Information sharing with the organization and corporate values · Group oriented | Growth/internationalized* firms · Information sharing with the organization and corporate values · Hierarchy oriented. | · Hierarchy oriented. |
International Orientation | For the large/ internationalized firms · The same as the large/internationalized firms from Korea | For the large/ internationalized firms · Conduct customer analysis globally · High involvement in the direct international marketing | · They are aware of international markets but they try to focus more on the local area. |
· Supplier relationship | Large and internationalized firms · Cooperative supplier relationship is very important; its one of their competitive advantages | Large and internationalized firms · Try to do the same as Japan with suppliers but in terms of new product development and longterm relationship with them. | · Weak the relationship with suppliers (be afraid of sharing information, but the managers are doing efforts to create stronger relations with their suppliers. |
Technology development and manufacturing | · The same issues tend to converge between japanese and korean internationalized frims · Emphasize on flexible manufacturing | Internationalized firms · Long term technology, use of economies of scale in manufacturing are very important · Managers less emphasize on flexible manufacturing | · Less flexibility because of the lack of high technology |